Privacy Policy

The APON Foundation places great attention on ensuring your privacy while using the Internet. This privacy statement outlines APON Foundation’s policy on the collection and dissemination of visitors’ information via the APON Foundation website. This policy is applicable to all websites within the “APON Foundation sites” category, namely those inside the domain name “”. By accessing the APON FOUNDATION website, you are agreeing to abide by the practices outlined in this policy. This policy is in accordance with the APON Foundation Privacy Policy.

What does APON Foundation collect?

Normal website usage

Generally, you may navigate through the APON Foundation website without providing any personal information or disclosing your identity. The sole data we collect while engaging in general browsing is derived solely from normal server logs. The information collected includes your IP (Internet Protocol) address, domain name, browser type, operating system, and details such as the website that directed you to us, the files you downloaded, the sites you visited, and the dates and times of your visits.

Individual’s private data collection

When you sign up for regular updates, access certain APON Foundation websites, seek information, give feedback, apply for a job, participate in a discussion forum, or join an electronic mailing list, you will be required to submit personal details such as your name, mailing address, and email address. This data is gathered solely with your awareness and consent and is stored in many databases maintained by the APON Foundation. If you are making a donation, you may be required to provide your credit card details.  

APON Foundation websites that require the collection of personal information may have a site-specific privacy policy. In such instances, the policies pertaining to each individual site shall supplement and support the overarching privacy policy of the APON Foundation. Participating in internet discussion forums may result in the exposure of personal information to other members, including individuals who are not employees of the APON Foundation. In the case of open discussion groups, this information will be accessible to the whole public.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s hard drive containing information about the user. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information while on the site. By setting a cookie, APON Foundation will remember you the next time you visit the site and therefore APON Foundation will not have to ask questions that you have already answered (like address information).

You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features on the site and may be required to re-enter information more frequently to use certain services on the site.

What does APON Foundation do?

The data collected while accessing the “” domain is utilised to study patterns and usage of the APON Foundation website, with the aim of enhancing its usefulness. It is unrelated to any personal information. Nevertheless, if you have enrolled with APON Foundation for any activity on their website, the data we get about your typical internet usage would be traceable back to you.

Personally identifiable information

APON Foundation may use the personal information you provide to:

Contact information, registration information, job applications; donations, online profile and preferences; e contents most relevant to you;
Undertake statistical analysis;
Donations to the APON Foundation.

The APON Foundation is seeking information from you through its donation form. At this point, it is necessary for you to furnish contact details such as your name and address, as well as financial information such your credit card number and expiration date. This data is utilised to facilitate the transaction and enhance our ability to effectively manage donors. If there are any difficulties in processing a donation, this provided information may be utilised to get in touch with you.  APON Foundation will securely retain this information and will not disclose, lease, or trade it with any entity other than APON Foundation partner organisations. We retain the authority to disclose names, addresses, and account history to our associated local partners or APON Foundation country offices. Under no circumstances will any confidential financial data be disclosed.

I don’t want to provide personal information, then?

Providing personal information on the APON FOUNDATION web site is optional.  If you choose not to provide personal information, you can still browse and use the APON FOUNDATION site, but you will not be able to carry out certain actions such as making donations, registering for a newsletter, or applying for a job.

I want to opting out, then?

You have the option to cancel or modify your information at any time. To do so, you can revisit the web page where you initially provided the information and get in touch with the focal point for that page or the relevant APON FOUNDATION department. In some cases, such as donations, you can also log into your account and make changes to the information there.

You have the option to choose to receive messages, such as newsletters and other materials, from the APON Foundation. If you want to do so, you will be able to cease receiving such messages by accessing your account on the APON Foundation website and modifying your contact choices, or by clicking the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of the emails.  You are entitled to exercise your rights to access, rectify, erase, object to, and restrict the processing of your personal data. Additionally, you have the right to object to automated decision-making, as long as you can provide adequate evidence of being the relevant data subject.  To submit such a request, kindly utilize the email address [email protected]

Third party’s data collection.

We may obtain data from public databases, including social media platforms, and other external sources, regardless of whether they are located outside the nation where the individual’s data is situated. Nevertheless, we do not assume liability for the security of any data you disclose to other parties.

Retention and erasure of data limits

The APON Foundation will store personal data in its filing or storage system for the duration necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data was obtained, in accordance with the APON Foundation’s policies, processes, and legal obligations. Once Personal Data is no longer necessary, we shall remove it from our systems and/or implement measures to render it anonymous.


At the APON Foundation site, we do not disclose or distribute any personally identifiable information provided by users to any third party without obtaining prior consent. Nevertheless, we do disclose certain user information to our partners and local country offices in order to enable the entire APON Foundation network to effectively address your requirements. Nevertheless, the APON Foundation disclaims any liability for the safeguarding of information.  If there is a possibility of a data breach that could impact your personal information, APON Foundation will promptly inform you about the potential breach.  

Disclaimer & Contact

The website includes hyperlinks to external sites that are not part of the APON Foundation domain. APON Foundation disclaims any liability for those websites, including their privacy practices and content.

The website contains hyperlinks to external sites that are not within the APON Foundation’s jurisdiction. APON Foundation absolves itself of any responsibility for those websites, including their privacy practices and content.

If you have any inquiries or apprehensions regarding the privacy policy of APON Foundations, kindly utilise the information provided at the following URL to get in touch with us via email at [email protected].